Channel - Environment
11/29/2024 2:52:57 PM
Channel Videos
“It’s time” in Vancouver – Is equity the key to resolving the paradox of mobility pricing?
Abstract: Pricing has long been a challenge for transport policy and planning. Incomplete or inefficient pricing mechanisms cause a wide range of suboptimal outcomes, e.g. congestion, pollution and unfunded infrastructure liabilities - aka road socialism. A fiscal paradox underlies the challenges to introduce more effective pricing of car use, which may help fund public and active transport. Increased fuel efficiency and the rise of alternative fuel (electricity/hydrogen) would further reduce fuel tax income. Attempts to introduce new fiscal instruments on mobility has been defeated multiple times in Vancouver - a vehicle levy in 2001 and a referendum for a transit surtax in 2015. In spite of the defeats, a renewed effort has just begun. The Independent Mobility Pricing Commission has been established in 2017 to investigate new mobility pricing schemes (such as distance-based vehicle charges and road pricing), with a publicity campaign – It’s Time (
These initiatives offer unique opportunities to study the efforts to reprice urban mobility in a car-dominant urban region. This presentation provides the initial analysis of Vancouver’s latest attempt, with insights into the social and political barriers to acceptance of such schemes.
Dr Abraham Leung is a postdoctoral research fellow in Griffith University's Cities Research Institute. His research focuses mainly on urban socio-spatial equity problems, with specific interests in public transport infrastructure value capture, mobility pricing, and fuel (oil) price vulnerability. As a key member of his university’s transport research team, he also provides research-based advice to industry partners under the Transport Academic Partnership (TAP) agreement with the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads. He has recently won a Simon Fraser University/Griffith University Collaborative Travel Grant to research mobility pricing policy in Vancouver.
Dr Abraham Leung, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cities Research Institute, Griffith University, Australia
6/4/2018 10:00:00 AM
A day in the life of a geophysicist
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6/22/2010 1:17:37 PM
A day in the life of a space geodesist
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6/19/2010 9:28:11 PM
A day in the life of a volcanologist
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6/20/2010 6:30:31 PM
Annual Alumni Lecture - Peter Hendy
Alumni event in London on 8 June 2011 at which Peter Hendy, Commissioner of Transport for London, spoke about 'Transporting London - the economics and politics of keeping a world city moving'.
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7/29/2011 11:25:40 AM
Ash plume from Nabro volcano
Animation of the ash plume from the Nabro volcano eruption on 12th June 2012 from the SEVIRI satellite operated by the European Space Agency.
License : CC-BY-SA-3.0
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6/14/2011 9:52:07 AM
British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2015 - University of Leeds
A student view of attending and participating in the British Conference of Undergraduate Research 2015.
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9/2/2015 11:16:06 AM
Car availability - new insights into model specification and selection for composite marginal likelihood estimation
Car availability - new insights into model specification and selection for composite marginal likelihood estimation. Presentation by Dr Romain Crastes for the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) Seminar Series:
This presentation investigates the determinants of car availability in Germany using a unique life course calendar data-set that covers 27 years of data. Modelling car availability over the life course requires to account for spurious state dependence (\emph{i.e.} autocorrelation of the errors). The dimension of integration increases with the number of time periods considered which rules out Maximum Simulated Likelihood (MSL) estimation techniques. An alternative is to use the Composite Marginal Likelihood (CML) inference approach, which replaces high-dimensional integrals by a compounding of bivariate probabilities. The current paper delves into the issue of how to form and select CML functions. Indeed, CML is a flexible tool and different pairs of bivariate margins can be used, leading to different results. The typical approach consists in using the pairing combinations of temporally close choice situations. In this paper, we suggest instead to use randomly selected pairs for each individual. We estimate a series of autoregressive random effects ordered probit models built from both close and random pairs and compare the results obtained using various goodness-of-fit indicators. Our results suggest that random pairs provide better fit and are computationally much less burdensome. These promising results also allow us to unravel the important role played by spurious state dependence in car availability across the life course.
Delivered as part of the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) Seminar Series:
Institute for Transport Studies
11/20/2017 1:38:56 PM
Debate: Environment and conflict
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1/26/2016 11:51:23 AM
Dissertation Poster Session 2009
A selection of photos taken at the Dissertation Poster session held on 24th April 2009. A milestone in the ITS teaching calendar, at which each Masters student presents the progress made with their dissertation research. Dissertation supervisors are on hand to ask probing questions and award each student a mark, which counts towards their final dissertation grade.
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6/18/2009 4:12:50 PM
Dissertation Posters 2011
Dissertation Posters - as presented by Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) May 2011
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5/10/2011 4:22:57 PM
Dr Anne Owen- Environmental Footprints: Consumption-based approaches to measuring environmental impacts
The Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA) is hosting multidisciplinary seminar series covering a range of themes relating to the application of data analytics. Each seminar will follow the same format, starting with two short presentations showcasing LIDA projects, followed by a main speaker. At the seminar “Thursday 28th April- Are we really green? Evidence using big data” the main speaker was Dr Anne Owen, research associate at the University of Leeds.
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6/3/2016 7:55:24 AM
Employability webinar - jobs and careers for graduates of MSc Transport programnmes
Dr Narasimha Narasimha (Chandra) Balijepalli
5/11/2016 2:37:03 PM
European Field Trip 2013 - ITS Masters students on tour
By Jorge Alberto Chavez Davila.
Soundtrack: 'You are (funky mix)' by Zapac (feat. Beckfords) is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
License : CC-BY-SA-3.0
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7/4/2013 3:08:52 PM
Graduate Employability at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)
Students and their employers describe how a degree in transport provides a direct route into a professional career.
Dr James Tate, MSc Programme Leader
2/18/2016 10:32:41 AM
Graduation Ceremony 2015 - Sir Peter Hendy honorary degree
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7/24/2015 1:54:45 PM
Introduction to the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds
An overview of the Institute from staff and students.
Prof. Greg Marsden, Institute Director 2011-2016
2/18/2016 10:26:01 AM
ITS BBQ 2014
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7/18/2014 3:22:34 PM
ITS BBQ July 2011
Annual social event for staff and students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)
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7/25/2011 8:55:10 AM
ITS Dissertation Poster Session 2010
A selection of photos taken at the Dissertation Poster session held on 23 April 2010. A milestone in the ITS teaching calendar, at which each Masters student presents the progress made with their dissertation research. Dissertation supervisors are on hand to ask probing questions and award each student a mark, which counts towards their final dissertation grade.
License : CC-BY-SA-3.0
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5/18/2010 9:45:04 AM
ITS Dissertation Poster Session 2010
A selection of photos taken at the Dissertation Poster session held on 23 April 2010. A milestone in the ITS teaching calendar, at which each Masters student presents the progress made with their dissertation research. Dissertation supervisors are on hand to ask probing questions and award each student a mark, which counts towards their final dissertation grade.
License : CC-BY-SA-3.0
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5/18/2010 9:45:04 AM
ITS Dissertation Posters 2010
Masters student posters - Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) - presented and assessed on 23rd April 2010.
License : CC-BY-ND-3.0
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5/18/2010 9:47:04 AM
ITS European Trip 2011 (alternative version)
A further selection of photos from the ITS European Trip 2011
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7/28/2011 2:36:06 PM
ITS European Trip 2012 - Masters students on tour
Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds, embark on the annual field trip to Europe to see transport systems in action.
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7/23/2012 10:16:35 AM
ITS Masters field trip to the Peak District
Organised as part of the annual student field trip to Sheffield. The trip involved an overnight stay in Castleton Youth Hostel, a visit to local caverns and a walk in the peaks.
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12/15/2011 10:42:53 AM
ITS Webinar for Masters applicants - held on 15 January 2014
Webinar for prospective Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), focused on admissions and funding.
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1/16/2014 10:39:10 AM
ITS Webinar held on 30 January 2013 - for Masters applicants
Webinar for prospective Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)
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2/28/2013 10:11:14 AM
Making the Invisible Visible - Cycling in Leeds
Have you ever wondered about the air quality of your commute? We recorded the level of pollution that cyclists are exposed to along two routes between Headingley and the University of Leeds to find this out.
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4/7/2017 1:38:17 PM
Making the Invisible Visible - Cycling project
Have you ever wondered about the air quality of your commute? We recorded the level of pollution that cyclists are exposed to along two routes between Headingley and the University of Leeds to find this out.
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4/7/2017 3:50:34 PM
Meet Robin Irons
Robin Irons, Technical Head of Zero Emissions Plant, E.ON, discusses the work conducted by the University's Energy Hub to aid the reduction of Greenhouse Gases.
Robin Irons
9/21/2012 8:30:00 AM
MSc Dissertation and the Integrated Project - Institute for Transport Studies
Recording of a webinar held on 23 June 2016. Intended for prospective Masters students, the webinar covered two core elements of MSc programmes at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) - the Dissertation and the Integrated Project.
Dr Tony Whiteing, Director of Student Education
6/27/2016 9:45:33 AM
Office 365
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1/28/2015 11:25:59 AM
On-line Open Day (webinar) - Institute for Transport Studies
Webinar for prospective Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)
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7/25/2012 9:09:20 AM
Preference elicitation using triangles! – Dr Danny Campbell
Stated preference elicitation techniques, such as discrete choice experiments and best-worst scaling, are now widely used to explore the public’s choices and preferences. In this paper, we propose an alternative stated preference elicitation technique, which we refer to as ‘trio-wise’. We explain this new technique, its relative advantages, modelling framework, and how it compares to the best-worst scaling method. We demonstrate this new preference elicitation technique using an empirical case study that explores preferences among the general public for ways to involve them in decisions concerning the health care system. Our findings show that the best-worst scaling and trio-wise preference elicitation techniques both retrieve similar preferences. However, the capability of our trio-wise method to provide additional information on the strength of rank preferences and its ability to accommodate indifferent preferences lead us to prefer it over the standard best-worst scaling technique.
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10/13/2015 8:33:12 AM
Queen's Anniversary Prize
Staff and students attending Buckinhgam Palace to receive the 'Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education' from the Queen herself.
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5/21/2010 12:26:39 PM
Queen's Anniversary Prize video
Staff and students of the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) attending Buckingham Palace in February 2010 to receive the 'Queen's Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education' from the Queen herself.
License : CC-BY-ND-3.0
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5/21/2010 1:21:53 PM
Reflections on Politics and Transport Policy
Presentation by former Transport Minister Norman Baker, hosted by the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)
Norman Baker
11/4/2015 5:30:00 PM
Renewable fuels in public transport
ITS Research Seminar 31/10/2017. Presentation by Malin Aldenius, Lund University, Sweden
'Introducing renewable fuels in public bus transport – challenges and opportunities'
I will present results from the studies conducted during my PhD so far, with focus on experiences from Swedish public transport regions. In Sweden, public transport was partly deregulated in 2012, which has led to that public transport mainly is organised on the basis of a comprehensive competitive tendering regime. However, some regions organise their buses in-house. I will address questions concerning the strategic motivations for using public procurement to stimulate renewable fuels, and what the practical challenges have been in relation to: strategies, costs, size and knowledge. I will also discuss how different ways to set requirements and organise public transport has influenced type and share of renewable fuels in regions, as well as which challenges and opportunities they have experienced. The findings come from qualitative comparative case studies, based on interviews and document studies.
Doctoral student at Environmental and Energy Systems Studies, Lund University, since 2015.
Publications: Aldenius, M., Khan, J. (2017). Strategic use of green public procurement in the bus sector: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, 250-257.
On-going studies:
- The influence of public transport’s organisation on type and share of renewable fuel.
- Introducing electrified public transport in cities: challenges and opportunities
Transport Research Seminar Series
10/31/2017 2:30:00 PM
Research Degrees at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) University of Leeds
Research students and their supervisors discuss the experience of undertaking a PhD at the Institute
Professor David Watling, Postgraduate Research Tutor
2/18/2016 11:00:00 AM
Revealing Caspian seal migration & foraging behaviour through satellite telemetry
A brief introduction to how satellite telemetry has been used to investigate the migration and foraging behaviour of Caspian seals, including a visualisation of animated seal tracks. The video accompanies a scientific paper describing the full study: Dmitrieva et al. 2016. Individual variation in seasonal movements and foraging strategies of a land-locked, ice-breeding pinniped. Marine Ecology Progress Series 554: 241–256. doi: 10.3354/meps11804.
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8/2/2016 11:54:24 AM
Secretary of State for Transport - Institute for Transport Studies
The Secretary of State for Transport, the Rt. Hon Chris Grayling MP, delivers a keynote speech to mark the official opening of the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) building, March 2017.
For a selection of photos of the wider event please see:
Rt. Hon Chris Grayling MP, Secretary of State for Transport, March 2017
3/2/2017 11:45:00 AM
Sir Peter Hendy receives honorary degree 2015
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7/24/2015 1:54:45 PM
The ITS student experience
A selection of Masters students describe their experiences of studying at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS)
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5/17/2010 1:22:13 PM
Traffic Survey 2010 - field work
Conducted by ITS Masters students as part of the Transport Data Collection & Analysis module (TRAN 5031M)
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4/19/2011 3:51:30 PM
Trailer (3) - for ITS European Field Trip 2012
Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds, embark on the annual field trip to Europe to see transport systems in action.
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7/23/2012 10:38:19 AM
University of Leeds Driving Simulator
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5/31/2017 2:47:48 PM
University of the Year: research-based learning
Dr James Tate, Institute for Transport Studies, explains our approach to research-based learning and focus on the employability of our students. #ToBeLeeds
Dr James E Tate, Associate Professor, Institute for Transport Studies
6/14/2017 11:17:00 AM
Webinar on Employability - jobs and careers in transport
Web event for prospective Masters students at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds - held on 17 April 2013.
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4/17/2013 2:34:12 PM
Working in transport consultancy
Slideshow only (no audio).
Overview and advice for students considering a career in transport consultancy, to follow a Masters degree at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS).
Presentation given by Tom Van Vuren, Divisional Director at Mott MacDonald & Visiting Professor, 2011.
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8/9/2011 9:31:23 AM
Working in transport consultancy
Slideshow only (no audio).
Overview and advice for students considering a career in transport consultancy, to follow a Masters degree at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS).
Presentation given by Tom Van Vuren, Divisional Director at Mott MacDonald & Visiting Professor, 2011.
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8/9/2011 9:31:23 AM
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