Channel - Philosophy and Religion
11/21/2022 4:21:20 PM
Channel Videos
Adriaan van Klinken - Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Adriaan van Klinken, Lecturer in African Christianity, talks about how his research feeds into his teaching across the Theology and Religious Studies course. He talks about his first year module 'Religion in Modern Africa', and how students on his second year module visit a Nigerian pentecostal church in Leeds as part of the module.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
BA Religion, Politics and Society
Senior Teaching Fellow Dr Mel Prideaux talks about the new interdisciplinary programme, which includes modules from Theology and Religious Studies, Politics and Sociology.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Big data and ethics
Professor Chris Megone: "Pre-empting an ethical backlash"
Dr Jon Fistein: "Me and my (digital) shadow"
Baroness Onora O'Neill: "Data ethics and the ethics of communication"
University of Leeds
1/26/2017 3:20:08 PM
Dr Emma Tomalin - Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Emma Tomalin talks about her research feeds into her teaching.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Dr Johanna Stiebert, Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Johanna Stiebert talks about the her teaching on the Hebrew bible, including her module on the Dead Sea scrolls.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Dr Mel Prideaux, Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Mel Prideaux, talks about her research in religion and public life and this directly translates into the teaching of her undergraduate students.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Dr Rachel Muers talks about the BA Theology and Religious Studies course at Leeds.
Dr Rachel Muers, Theology and Religious Studies
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Dr Seán McLoughlin, Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Seán McLoughlin introduces his research on contemporary Muslim culture, politics and society. His teaching covers the texts and traditions on Islam, but is research lies in how religions are transformed when moved from one context to another.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Dr Stefan Skrimshire - Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Stefan Skrimshire introduces his research on religion and politics and how it is fed into his undergraduate teaching.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
Engineering Ethics - Carl Fox
The Pros and Cons of an integrated case-based approach
Dr Carl Fox, Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, University of Leeds.
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2/26/2019 10:59:10 AM
Engineering Ethics - Chris Atkin
Professional Standards Representative
Professor Chris Atkin CEng FRAes, Chairman, Engineering Council.
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2/28/2019 3:11:02 PM
Engineering Ethics - Closing remarks
Chaired by Professor John Uff CBE QC FREng, Keating Chambers and Emeritus Professor of Engineering Law at King’s College London
Including artist summary by Woven Ink
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2/26/2019 10:51:49 AM
Engineering Ethics - Judith Hackitt
Industry Representative
Dame Judith Hackitt DBE FREng FIChemE FCGI, Chair, Independent Review of Building and Fire Safety Regulations.
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2/26/2019 11:24:09 AM
Engineering Ethics - Katie Cresswell-Maynard
Engineering ethics in practice, a hands-on approach: Engineering for People Design Challenge. Katie Cresswell-Maynard, Chief Executive, Engineers Without Borders UK
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2/26/2019 11:35:19 AM
Engineering Ethics - Kevin Jones
Ethics, Big Data and Cyber Security. Professor Kevin Jones FIMarEST FBCS FIET, Executive Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Plymouth.
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2/26/2019 11:55:39 AM
Engineering Ethics - Martin Davies
Engineering Ethics CPD – online or face to face? Martin Davies, Head of Digital Learning, IET Academy: Trusted elearning for Engineers, The Institution for Engineering and Technology (IET)
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2/28/2019 3:16:21 PM
Engineering Ethics - Raffaelle Ocone
HE Representative nominated by the Engineering Professors Council. Professor Raffaella Ocone FREng FRSE, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Heriot Watt University.
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2/28/2019 3:17:56 PM
Engineering Ethics - Renaud Champion
Ethics, Artificial Intelligence and Automated Vehicles
Renaud Champion, Director of Emerging Intelligences, EMLyon Business School; CEO of PRIMNEXT, investment company in artificial intelligence and advanced robotics and Director of euRobotics.
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2/28/2019 3:23:16 PM
Engineering Ethics - Richard Maudslay
Royal Academy of Engineering Representative. Richard Maudslay CBE FREng, Chairman, Ethics Working Group, Royal Academy of Engineering.
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2/28/2019 3:32:12 PM
Engineering Ethics - Rob Lawlor
Ethics Representative
Dr Rob Lawlor, Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, University of Leeds.
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2/26/2019 10:56:10 AM
Engineering Ethics - Sara Parkin
Ethics, Climate Change and the Environment. Sara Parkin OBE, Founder-Director and Trustee, Forum for the Future.
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2/28/2019 3:34:38 PM
Engineering Ethics 2018 - Welcome
Sir Alan Langlands, Vice Chancellor, University of Leeds.
Standards for Ethical Conduct in UK Engineering
Professor Chris Atkin CEng FRAes, Chairman, Engineering Council.
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2/26/2019 10:12:01 AM
Jas Singh - Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Jasjit Singh, talks about his research on young Sikhs in Britain
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
MA programmes in Theology and Religious Studies
Dr Stefan Skrimshire talks about the MA programmes here at the University of Leeds.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
PHIL2221 Feedback on Presentations / Seminars - Week 2 2015
Feedback on the first set of presentations in Ancient Philosophy PHIL2221, from week 2 (5-6th Oct), 2015.
Jamie Dow
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10/8/2015 10:24:33 PM
University of Leeds discovery themes: ethics, religion and law
Theme leader Dr Jamie Dow explains how studying these modules will equip you with the skills to understand diverse beliefs, and the ethics and values that underpin modern society.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
University of Leeds discovery themes: mind and body
Theme leader Dr Bonnie Meekums explains how these modules will help you gain a better understanding of the processes that influence our bodies and minds.
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1/16/2015 11:59:17 AM
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