v15-04 Canons, Creeds and Vitae
Session: v15-04 Virtual Session Room 4 Title: CANONS, CREEDS, AND VITAE: CASE STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL SAINTLY WRITING Organiser: IMC Programming Committee Moderator: Helen Birkett, Department of History, University of Exeter Paper v15-04-a: Exploring the Borders of Hagiography and Saints’ Offices (Language: English) Claire Macht, Faculty of History, University of Oxford Paper v15-04-b: Creed and Controversy: Language and Belief in Carolingian Europe (Language: English) Owen M. Phelan, Department of Church History, Mount St Mary’s University, Maryland Paper v15-04-c: Borders of Power and Sanctity: Relations with Rulers in the Canonisation Process of Nils Hermansson of Linköping (Language: English) Johanna Tyynelä-Haapamäki, Department of Church History, University of Helsinki Recording available solely for private use
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7/13/2020 12:32:16 PM

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