ERC=ScienceĀ² Public Lecture 3 - Dr Lars Jeuken: Bioenergy
As part of the ERC=ScienceĀ² project, a series of public lectures will showcase cutting edge research at the University of Leeds funded by the highly presitigous European Research Council. From atmospheric chemists to musical historians, ERC grant-holders have secured millions of euros of competitive EU funding to undertake frontier research and make groundbreaking discoveries here at the University of Leeds. Come and hear how this research is progressing and the impact it could have on you and the world around you.
Lecture 3: Bioenergy: Do we have to exploit nature or can we learn from it?
Biology is very good at facilitating chemical reactions that are useful in energy conversion, including those that create electricity from hydrogen, create (solar) fuels after harvesting light, or convert carbon dioxide. However, technological and economical challenges have so far prevented biotechnology from making a real impact in these areas.
Dr Lars Jeuken from the University of Leeds will present current strategies where biological catalysts are used successfully in energy conversions. Through audience interaction, the benefits, drawbacks and limitations of biotechnology in the field of bioenergy will be discussed. Dr Jeuken will also present key results from a current project being undertaken at Leeds, funded by the European Research Council.
University of Leeds
4/26/2017 3:36:11 PM
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