Desktop Capture Feedback
Antonio Martínez-Arboleda, Principal Teaching Fellow in Spanish at the University of Leeds, explains how he uses Mediasite Desktop Capture for the provision audio-visual feedback to his students and why he recommends it to other practitioners. He also offers some practical advice regarding quality assurance.
Antonio’s method has been tried successfully with students in his Final Year module on Spanish in an Economics and Business Context, but can work well in any subject in HE, including any Sciences and Humanities disciplines.
Audiovisual feedback is particularly suitable for written or video task that have been submitted electronically by students, either through a Virtual Learning Environment or by email, or in any other way.
Similar methods, but with different tools, are being advocated by few institutions such as the University of Derby UK: and have been tried at De Montfort University
Research has been carried out on the effectiveness of this type of feedback in distance learning courses:
Kathleen Mathieson (2012) Exploring Student Perceptions of Audiovisual Feedback via Screencasting in Online Courses, American Journal of Distance Education, 26:3, 143-156
Kirstie Edwards, Anne-Florence Dujardin, Noel Williams (2012) Screencast Feedback for Essays on a Distance Learning MA in Professional Communication, Journal of Academic Writing, Vol. 2 No. 1 Autumn 2012, 95–126
The work of Soden highlights some of the obstacles found in a UK research-intensive institution for the implementation of screencast feedback:
Bill Soden (2017) The Case of Screencast Feedback: Barriers to the Use of Learning Technology, Innovative Practice in Higher Education, Vol.3 (1) April 2017
Extensive work has been done already on audio feedback (with no screen video capture):
JISC published a guide on feedback and digital media that may be also of interest:
If you would like to contact Antonio, please email him at or tweet @Toni_M_Arboleda #audiovisualfeedback
The Leeds Language Scholar will be publishing further work on Audiovisual Feedback.
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6/16/2017 12:09:45 PM
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